Pirate ship nappy cake

A few weeks ago I wrote this post about a challenge I had set myself on Facebook (with the help of my lovely likers!) Basically I asked people to suggest objects for me to make a nappy cake of.

I have already made a lion and a butterfly: 

 Today I picked another suggestion, a pirate ship! I will hold my hands up right now and say that it looks more like a sailing boat… but I’m still pretty pleased with it =)

Bye for now,
Hayley x

Custom Orders are the best!

I’m very excited today because I have been working on a custom order! I love custom orders… When someone says “Could you make a nappy cake in the shape of *insert random object here*?” and I say “I have no idea… But I’ll give it a go!”

I was asked if I could make bears… Turns out I can =)

On Sunday I received a message on Facebook asking if I could make a nappy cake resembling a certain object… I won’t say what it is yet but hopefully I’ll be able to post photos soon. So today I spent a lot of time on this idea and I finished the nappy cake and I have to say I’m really proud of it! Personally I think it really looks like the object it is supposed to be (if that makes sense) and I have sent photos to the lady who enquired. I’m waiting for her response, hope she likes it!

I think the reason I love custom orders so much is that I love a challenge! There’s always that thrill as I think “Can I really make *that* out of nappies and baby items?!” I love to plan how I’m going to assemble it and there is no better feeling than sending photos to the customer and saying “Look, I did it!”

Fingers crossed that the lady likes it!
Hayley x 

Why do you craft?

I was browsing through Facebook last night, looking at the updates of the other crafty pages I follow, when I got to thinking about why people craft. What is it that makes it so appealing? No matter which craft you look at, sewing, crocheting, jewelry making, paper craft, etc there are an army of dedicated crafters who spend hours making products and posting them online. Why do we do it?

Apart from the fact that we obviously enjoy our chosen craft, what are the other benefits? I think they can vary from person to person. Last night I asked myself the question “Why do I craft?” and this is what I came up with:

Personally I craft because:

  • I enjoy it (the obvious answer)
  • It is theraputic
  • I can do it whenever I want, even in PJs 
  • I love making things and being creative
  • It keeps me busy
  • I love being part of the crafty community on Facebook =D
That is my list, what is yours? Feel free to comment with your reasons. I am sure there are also scientific reasons for enjoying crafting, such as it releases feel good endorphins (I have no idea if that is true, it is just an example!) I’ll have to look into it =) I would also be really interested in what the most common reason for crafting is, so please do let me know: Why do you craft?
Have a lovely day,
Hayley x